Sachem Speaks
November 2008 I recently was told of something that sickened me more than I ever thought possible. Is it any wonder that my Traditional Mohegan's ancestors are upset by the way that the land they called home for so many years is now being cared for by a new breed of Natives. The last straw for me and them was in learning that the Boy Scouts had sold the most sacred church of my ancestors to a Casino. The Mohegan's named Cauchegan rock after one of their own. (It has been changed by non Mohegan's to its present spelling.) Many years ago, my ancestors turned the rock over to a non profit organization, so that it could never be misused by the conquering nations of the world. Now it has been sold for one dollar to a Casino who in turn donated one million dollars to this same group, the Boy Scouts of Connecticut. My ancestors weep, I weep. Sachem Walkingfox
September 15, 2008 When I read this story this morning, it brought back some not so pleasant memories of high school in Connecticut. Forgotten part of states history When ever I would play basketball with my friends who were mostly African Americans, they would always make remarks about how bad it had been for their Ancestors who had been slaves. I would listen to their stories and then at the next meeting at my grandfathers Mohegan Church I would tell my Elders what they had said. The Elders would always say that many of our people had been slaves too. Long before there was African slavery in this country, white people had been making slaves of our people. For so many years we heard about the poor Africans slaves and how badly they had been treated, when we knew all along that our people had also been slaves, but no one ever cared or talked about it. Except us. The Elders also talked about the order of feeding slaves. First the white owners and their children ate, then their dogs and the animals, then the African American slaves ate, then if there was anything left over the Native slaves had to fight with the dogs for it.
I did a report about all of this my freshman year in high school. My father had encouraged me to write about it, because it bothered me so much. I had to stand up in class and say in front of the same people I played ball with, "You know, you all complain to me about how bad it was that your Ancestors were slaves and how we should all feel sorry for you, but none of you have ever said that you were sorry about my people being slaves." I got an A on the report, I also got a lot of cold shoulders for a couple of days, but after that, they stopped whining about their poor Ancestors, at least around me.
March 17, 2008
I know that the
Olympics are Global peace seeking games and one should not
allow politics to cloud their success. But, I do not believe
that we should be going to the Olympics in
Communist China. Today March 14, 2008
the Chinese war machine is tear gassing and
killing unarmed monks again. And they are doing
this in Tibet, the Monks own country! Read more about this latest Global
crisis here:
February 27, 2008 Master Sergeant Woodrow Wilson Keeble, veteran of World War II and Korean War will now take this Medal of honor for all of our fallen brothers and sisters, red, white, black, yellow or brown from all wars. Yes, it was a very long time coming and no matter how I feel about that, this is about him and it is now being done! So many of his fellow veterans went unrecognized for their feats, but remained silent, happy and content that their deeds made victory over the enemy possible or saved the lives of their comrades. The Sioux people, all American Natives and all Americans, veterans and non-vets alike should be proud of our heroes. Well done Master Sergeant! AHO Sachem Walkingfox Read the story of this amazing man here: First Sioux to receive the Medal of Honor
November 26, 2007 If you ever doubted the gluttonous affects of Casinos on American Natives, this sad story on our local News today will correct that. You may read more about it here:
January 2007 Another Native Nation has aligned itself with the casino world. Please see this web page at for the story:
December 2006 Today is World Aids Day 2006, please join with the World Wide Community of caring in a prayer for those who suffer from Aids.
November 2006 On this last day of November there are two things on my mind and I wanted to share them with you.
The first is about the 2 young children missing since Thanksgiving on the Red Lake Reservation in Minnesota, the second is about the Solidarity Rally held yesterday at Dartmouth, the New Hampshire school built by and for my people, the Mohegans. More about these stories is here: FBI rules out abduction in missing boys
November 2006 We have recently learned of some disturbing information and wished to share it here. It would appear that the Country, Venezuela, who controls CITGO Oil, is not altogether cordial to America and its people and perhaps may be controlled by a leader who is not very considerate of others feelings. Sound familiar? It would seem that sales at many CITGO gas stations has dropped dramatically after the remarks made by President Chavez at the UN last month. Now, these sales drops may be only a small irritation or minor problem for the Country, but they are a big problem for the thousands of American business owners who are in business with CITGO and would lose everything if they chose to cease doing business with them. We saw a bumper sticker on a Semi yesterday that asked us all to "Boycott CITGO" and it reminded us of a story that we had received in our email recently. We feel that it is time to start making hard choices to show how we feel about disrespectful behavior by Countries who do business with America, so we have cut up our CITGO Credit cards and will no longer purchase any products from this Company. They do not appear to like Americans and we have so many other choices. The story is here for you to consider: Gas stations see sales drop after speech
May 26, 2004 "This may not seem like a Native American issue at first glance, but consider this. In Utah, there is a wonderful place called the Nine Mile Canyon You may read the whole story here: and there is a plan to invade this area that has been the safe home to Ancient Indian writings or petroglyphs for thousands of years. The purpose of this proposed damage is for oil exploration. Our country is so terribly dependent on this substance, that we have become what I refer to as fuel junkies. Wait and watch what we become like in this country, when the current gas prices go even higher and then become unavailable at all. Some gas station owners in Connecticut are now simply hanging up closed/no gas signs and are switching to other business that might actually allow them to make a living unlike selling gas, as in car repairs. The point of all of this is this. The present administration of the United States has threatened every part of this Continent with oil development, from Alaska to the Rockies and any other place that might produce oil. Mr. Bush, his family and close friends are all quite well invested in 4 major categories of stock: oil/fuel, war/weapons, energy and beef If you consider what has happened to this particular groups of stocks, over the past three years, their values have skyrocketed. Mr. Bush and his group of investors have made huge fortunes and we are all paying the bills, in both dollars and lives. The current plan of this administration to run amuck through Nine Mile Canyon with it's fragile treasures of Ancient Indian Writings is hardly even worth mention to this man and his fellow investors. I fear the worst may be in the future for any place that Mr. Bush may make a profit on. If you recall, the energy disaster 2 years ago in California was eventually blamed on Enron, a company very close to Mr. Bush. California has never been very cordial to Bush and he showed little concern for what happened to the millions who suffered because of Enron." Kindly reprinted from
May 2004 As the ever present gaming industry moves into one Reservation after another, we the Native People are now being viewed in a not very good way by outsiders or non Natives. The story below, is a current indicator of just how far those with the big money have taken Natives away from the Red Road. One after another, Tribes all over this country are being seduced by this money into the dark world of Casinos and gambling in the hope of a quick answer for the serious problems faced by many of us. But, there is no instant way to solve problems that have taken 200 years to create, we are only crawling into bed with a Trickster like none we have ever known before, Indian casinos and all the evils that come with them. I ask just one question; In whose bank account does all of this money really end up? Kerzner enlists Mohican Tribe to expand empire
November 22, 2001
At the day of mourning in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
We spent another cold day with warm friendsin Plymouth, Massachusetts on a day when all Native Peopleshould be mourning the loss of their culture and their land.
July 15, 2001 I recently went with a friend and her Mother to visit the Peabody Museum at Yale University because we had heard that they had a new exhibit for the Native People of Connecticut.
Since New England Natives were the first to be assimilated by the Colonial invaders and this area has such a rich Native American history, I was expecting to see a lot of information about our Woodland Tribes.
However, once you get into the Museum building, if you wish to see the Connecticut Indian exhibit, you must either take an elevator to the third floor or climb two flights of stairs.
Once you finally do get to the third floor, you will find the Indian exhibit along the side wall of a large room that leads towards an Egyptian exhibition, which as it turns out, is much more elaborate than the one for Connecticut's Indians.
It only took me about two or three minutes to look over the so-called "Connecticut Indian Exhibit", which seemed to only be concerned with prehistoric Indians. There was not a single mention of Sachem Uncas or his descendants, nor of the many interactions that had happened between the Indians and the Colonists, actions that would ultimately determine the future of a state that is now known as Connecticut.
I sat down to rest on a nearby bench and noticed a young couple and their children passing by. The little boy said to his father, " Hey dad what's the cave man doing," referring to a figure of an Indian in the exhibit. They kept walking and went towards the Egyptian room. It broke my heart.
Sadly, the father did not take the time to correct his son's mistake, nor did he show much interest in looking at the Indian exhibit.
Somewhere in this proud, old building, there should be a whole lot more information and space dedicated to our Connecticut Indians, than what I found here today.
I did notice that conveniently located on the first floor of the Museum, just as you come in, there are some very nice exhibits for many of my brother Nations. But what about the Native people who were already living here when the European Colonists first arrived in this area?
The very land that the entire University of Yale now rests on, was once sacred Indian ground and it is the duty of those in command of such things at Yale, to show the proper respect for the people who were the first to inhabit our part of Mother Earth, which is now known as the state of Connecticut.
January 18, 2001 This story demonstrates the tremendous amount of interference and influence imposed upon the Mohegan's and many other Tribes by outsiders who wish to fund casinos, thus controlling the billion dollar gambling industry in the name of Indians. My grandfather would be sickened, as am I, by the behavior of many of our people today. Many have turned away from the Creator and now embrace another God, money. Kerzner enlists Mohican Tribe to expand empire
The original link to this story has been eliminated (Mohegans deny officials were ever on payroll of developer)
November 23, 2000
We went to Plymouth, Massachusetts today, to pray for the people who had once inhabited this area. These American Natives opened their hearts and welcomed a new people, the Pilgrims, not knowing the consequences that this would bring for them or their descendants. The Pilgrims were in terrible need, so my ancestors gave them food, shelter and friendship and taught them all that they would need to know to survive and thrive. While standing on this cliff today, overlooking Plymouth Rock and the ocean, I had a chance to feel some of that love from my ancestors. For this, I will be forever thankful.
August 20, 2000
I visited the Pow Wow here in Uncasville, Connecticut today and enjoyed the dancing, the singing and the drumming very much. If I had been the judges, I would have given each of them a first prize.
However, I would not be totally honest, if I did not mention a few questions that came to me while I was there.
The Sacred Circle to American Natives is extremely Holy. It is the center of Native Country and the Creator is there. Would our Ancestors have allowed chairs and non-dancers into this circle after the opening ceremony?
Inside the circle today, or the arena as it was referred to by the MC, there were many chairs and many people. These people spent a great deal of time, either standing around talking to each other, blocking the view of the dancers, or walking around inside the circle doing a variety of things that were both distracting and disrespectful to those who were dancing at the time. It was often difficult to enjoy the dancers for the crowd inside the circle.
And at times, the entry way to the circle was so full of non-dancers, photographers and spectators, that the dancers had trouble getting into the circle to dance.
But, the most disturbing thing of all to me, was the way that the Veterans dance was turned into a side show. When did we as Native people start carrying and shooting guns inside the Sacred Circle? Was this done out of respect for the Veterans and to please the Creator? Or to appease a crowd who had come to see a show and were not going to be disappointed by the promoters of this Pow wow?
Who was benefited by this Pow wow? Were any of our Native Elders or Native needy helped by this weekend event? Have we become a Nation of gluttony like those who took our land and stole our identity? What has become of my grandfather's proud people?
I would like thank the great state of Maine for their proposed new bill in Maine to ban the use of the S..... word, Squaw, in place names.
For years, my complaints about the use of this offensive word, fell on the deaf ears of Connecticut politicians.
During my years as an athlete, coaches often used the S.... word trying to motivate me into beating other teams. Wanting to do my best for the team, I found myself taking out my anger, towards this word and those who used it, on a player on the other team. I was not the only minority athlete who was treated in this manner.
I don't believe that this detestable word can be found anywhere in our Mohegan Language. Squaw is a non-native word which has been frequently used in a most vile way, sometimes deliberately, other times in ignorance.
Instead of using the names Big and Little Squaw Mountain, etc., why not try being a little more creative? The female gender could easily be implied by other words like Indian woman, Mother Earth, Sister Mountain and so forth. There are so many other words that could be used to name these different places and none of them would be nearly so offensive to an entire Nation of people.
It is my wish now, that our brothers and sisters of Connecticut, show their support for our neighboring tribes in Maine, and Indian women throughout Indian Country. Aquine, Walkingfox
February 1, 2000 The Navajo and Hopi People
On this day, like so many others across the country, a few of us went to our Sacred place in Mohegan land, Cauchegan Rock, to pray for the Elders who are being forcefully removed from their homes on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona.
The Hopi and the Navajo Elders have struggled for many years to co-exist, while fending off outsiders, like Peabody coal and the US Government, who continue to drain their ancient homelands of its natural resources.
Anna Begay and her people are about to travel down the same road that my Ancestors did a very long time ago, when they lost all of their land through the deceit and greed of outsiders.
As we can not be there in person with these Elders in this hour of their greatest need, we have prayed to the Creator from a Mohegan place of great reverence and importance, to offer comfort to our brothers and sisters, the Dineh people.
Please keep these Elders in your thoughts and prayers as you go about your every day journey.
You may contact Sachem Walkingfox at:
My other web sites are at:
Last edited February 23, 2009 Inquisitive minds 20400 since July 1999 Copyright © 1999 - 2009 All rights reserved. |