The Storey Clan
The Mohegan Storey Clan of Connecticut
When I was very young, my grandfather Tall Fox, who was the Sachem of a tiny group of Mohegan people in this area for many years, held his meetings at this small church near our home. This church and these meetings were where the Mohegan Elders gave me most of my teachings.
We are the Storey Clan, descendants of the Mohegan and Algonquin Native people of Turtle Island and Uncas, the first Sachem of the Mohegans.
The Algonquin were the largest group of Native or Indigenous peoples along the Eastern Coast of what is today the United States.
We are also descendents of Samson Occum, a Mohegan Preacher who was an ancestor of both Mary Tracy Fielding Storey and Sachem Bright Star, Alice Storey.
A grandmother of Walkingfox
We are here to teach the correct story of the Native Peoples of Turtle Island, especially the true story of Uncas, who was the Sachem of the Mohegan people when the European settlers arrived here.
Many years ago when I was a child in training, I was told by my Mohegan Elders of the true name of our first Sachem. Over the Centuries, his name had been changed repeatedly by outsiders who had no idea how to pronounce his real name, which was Poquaum, which then became Unkas and was eventually changed to Uncas. These changes were made for the convenience of ones who had no right to do so. The real name of our tribe, our people, when they left the Great Lakes and the Mohicans, was Mohegins. After first contact, this was changed to Mouhegans and after the elimination of the Pequots, Sachem Uncas changed the name back to Mohegins. The English changed the name again to what is today, Mohegans.
Uncasville, Connecticut, is named for Sachem Uncas, the first Sachem of the Mohegan people.
We honor and follow our Creator, the Great Spirit, Father Sky and Mother Earth.
Sachem Walkingfox
Turtle Island Mohegan Storey Clan: Great Great Grandmother - Mary Tracy Fielding Storey -
Mohegan Great Great Grandfather - William Thomas Storey - Mohegan Great Grandmother - Sachem Bright Star - Alice Storey - Mohegan Great Grandfather - William Storey - Mohegan Grandfather - Sachem Tall Fox - William James Storey - Mohegan Grandmother - Laura Brown - Mohegan Father - Clarence Joseph Storey - Zeak - Mohegan Mother - Catherine Kelley - Mohegan Happy Women - Mary Smith - Penobscot/Mohegan Chief Rolling Thunder - Russell Smith - Penobscot A Penobscot/Mohegan Leader Chief Lone Wolf - Tom S. - Penobscot/Mohegan Sagamore Running Crow - Bill Jr. - Mohegan/Penobscot Sachem Walkingfox - William Charles Storey, Sr. - Mohegan
(Not a Storey Clan member, but a very dear friend)
is copyrighted© 1999
You may contact Sachem Walkingfox at:
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Last edited February 28, 2009 Inquisitive minds 9379 since July 1999 Copyright © 1999 - 2009 All rights reserved. |