American Native Spirituality
" Spirituality, is not religion. Speaking in the name of religion, is a good way to assure a battle. Religion, since the beginning of time has always been a way to pit humans against each other. 'In the name of my God, I take your life and your land and your wampum.'
In the name of Allah or God or whatever, it has been an excuse for a dominating country or race to make servants out of smaller, less populated races or countries. In the Creator's eyes, we are all servants of the master. We need to spend more time learning how to serve the Creator and less time trying to make servants out of our fellow man. The more we learn to serve the Creator, the better everyone's life on Mother Earth will be." Sachem Walkingfox
This page has information about one of my Mohegan Ancestors:
This first reference resource is an excellent view of the effect of the Europeans on the culture and spirituality of my people. Especially note the references numbered 26-30 from the book reviewed and included in the link below of Professor Ryan. George E. Tinker, Missionary Conquest: The Gospel and Native American Cultural Genocide
This subject is personally close to my heart as I spent many hours with prisoners who had often been denied the right to practice their Native Spiritual believes while incarcerated. American Native Spiritual Freedom in Prison
John Barry Ryan, a Professor of Religious Studies at Manhattan College, describes and defines American Native Spirituality.
Listening to Native Americans:
The University of Virginia stores an extraordinary online collection of works by Native and Non Native writers. This one by Marie L. McLaughlin is about the Lakota people. Myths and Legends of the Sioux
An excellent guide for those who teach about our Native Spirituality with many good reference resources. Native American Religion in Early America
This web page has a good description of American Native Spirituality.
The University of Virginia has kindly reprinted this work by Simon Pokagon. Native Superstitions and Legends
Originally published in 1907, this story about the Lakota was written by Charles Eastman, who would become the first Doctor at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota.
An unverified collection of comments made by Seneca Red Jacket about American Native Spirituality. Red Jacket defends American Native Spirituality
Elaine Lunham of Bay Mills Community College describes the American Native tradition of smudging.
Charles Eastman wrote this beautiful work about American Native Spirituality.
**An extremely frank description of the Sun Dance,** the contents of this web page may be difficult for the young or sensitive reader.
A series of exchanges concerning who is best fit to teach American Native Spirituality. Teaching Native American Religions
This University of Pennsylvania's Museum exhibition is about American Native Medicines. Traditional Healing and Western Medicine
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Last edited February 23, 2009 Inquisitive minds 56689 since July 1999 Copyright © 1999 - 2009 All rights reserved. |